Growth and evolution
Growth and development are two related phenomena and together they include the set of natural changes of the body in terms of quantity and quality. Growth means the increase in the physical size of the whole or different parts of the body's organs and organs, which is often measured by height, weight And the head circumference is measured in children. Further development refers to increasing the skill of the body's organs and muscles and their coordination with the brain and nervous system, in which the child goes through different stages of development one after the other. Developmental disorder is one of the problems that may occur in different dimensions of child development (movement, speech, behavior and mental) and lead to diseases such as cerebral palsy, speech delay, mental retardation and autism. Knowing the risk factors is very important in timely and quick diagnosis of cases of developmental delay. In advanced countries, by screening for important diseases, they can identify the disease as quickly as possible in the curable stage; But in countries where this is not possible, at least the high-risk population should be identified and their condition addressed. It is worth mentioning that in Iran, in order to identify diseases such as hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria, screening is done after birth. It prevents the late diagnosis of these diseases, which leads to mental retardation and as a result, causes a lot of suffering to the child and also imposes a high cost on the family and society for carrying out treatment and rehabilitation measures. Whenever there is one of the risk factors, the child should be referred to a specialist doctor to evaluate the development. In this way, it is possible to find out about developmental delays as quickly as possible at an early age and plan for treatment or rehabilitation. Growth disorders and short stature are common endocrine disorders. Causes of short stature are divided into three groups: normal variant, primary and secondary growth disorders. The normal variant includes genetic (familial), natural and idiopathic short stature. Primary growth disorders include bone and growth plate disorders (achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, etc.) ..) lack of adequate intake of protein and calories is the most common cause of growth disorders[4]. , Cushing's syndrome, pseudohypoparathyroidism, Rickens, IGF-1 deficiency). In the above group of diseases, there are growth hormone deficiency, chronic kidney failure, Turner's syndrome [5], Pradervili syndrome [6], Small for gestational age. , idiopathic short stature [[7] Short stature can be treated by timely administration of growth hormone. On the other hand, growth hormone is an expensive drug, and in cases of improper administration and nightly injection, it can cause considerable stress and a heavy financial burden for the family. and create the society. Unfortunately, there are many problems both in the diagnosis and in the process of treating these patients with growth hormone, such as the lack of timely diagnosis of the endocrine causes of short stature, and on the other hand, the unnecessary prescription of growth hormone. Usually, patients with Growth and development disorders appear late, and on the other hand, they go undiagnosed when referring to pediatricians, internal medicine specialists, etc. The purpose of forming the core of growth and development is research on the incidence, causes of growth and development disorders in children, prevention of disease complications and promotion of treatment and follow-up of the above patients by pediatricians and endocrinologists.